Roscoe J McDonnell from Australia practises sport already since 39 years as a distance runner, from Steeple up to Half marathon.

He has joined several Masters events around the world already since 2018. At Penang 2018 he won 3 Gold/2 Silver/1 Bronze and at the Asia Pacific Masters Games 2023 in Jeonbuk, South Korea 4 Gold medals. He will now join the “Pan American Masters Games 2024 in Cleveland & the World Masters Games, Taiwan 2025 next year.


How do these events add value to your life ?

Joining these events helps me a lot, and not just to become a better athlete. It helps me to grow as a person. I’ve made so many friends from these meets and not just from Athletics ! Also from other sports where I go to watch when I’m not racing. Entering and pursuing Masters events gives the opportunity of a professional multi-event experience not just to the Elite athlete. It allows anyone to enter, to experience, enjoy and even surprise themselves of their capabilities, plus making so many new friends!

What is your favourite memory ?

Hmm that’s not easy as there has been quite a few great memories from different events. Last year in APMG South Korea, I won the 10km road title and it was presented by the overseas liaison Kimmie. After the medal ceremony we had lunch together with Kimmie and all the staff of the competition which was really amazing and so much fun.

What does Sport mean to you ?

Sport and particularly my running keeps me grounded. Mentally and physically it enhances me to push the barriers. Without running in my life and sport in general I would be lost. When I was just 21 I was hit by a drunk driver. It left me with multiple injuries, including a broken neck in 2 places, broken back in 2 places and a fractured skull. I was in Coma and paralysed, resulting being in a wheelchair for nearly 6 years. After that, running changed my life.

Life throws so many curve balls. Since on my journey I’ve also had brushes with cancer twice. Just like my Steeplechase, life has many obstacles to overcome.

What are you looking forward to in Cleveland ?

This will be my first Pan American Masters. I had competed long time ago in the Open version of Pan Americans in athletics in South America. I look forward to experiencing the camaraderie , the competition, watching other sports and also my first time in Cleveland!

Events Sport Community Health and Wellbeing News Cleveland 2024