The organisation of the IMGA consists of:

  • The General Assembly
  • The IMGA Board
  • The IMGA Administration


The General Assembly

The General Assembly shall be the supreme authority of the IMGA, whose activities shall be subject to its control.

The Board

The IMGA shall be managed by a Board, consisting of a minimum of nine members and a maximum of thirteen members, as follows:

  • One President proposed by either a Member Federation (IF) or any member of the Board and elected by the General Assembly.
  • One or two Vice Presidents selected amongst the Board members by the Board, and approved by the AGM.
  • One Board member shall have the requisite financial expertise to exercise oversight responsibility over the IMGA’s financial operations and shall be selected amongst the Board members to do so, and approved by the AGM.
  • A minimum of five and a maximum of seven members from the member IFs and elected by the General Assembly. Of those members at least one shall be elected from a Summer Sports Federation and one from a Winter Sports Federation.
  • A minimum of one and a maximum of five independent members proposed by the IMGA Board and elected by the General Assembly; each representing expertise, knowledge, and continuity within the interest areas of IMGA.
  • The CEO of the IMGA ex officio, without a vote.
  • The members of the IMGA Board shall each be elected for a four-year term. They can serve a maximum of three terms.

For more information about the IMGA structure, click here

The constitution

Document overview

The International Masters Games Association has adopted its new constitution at the General Assembly, which was held online on the 16th of November 2023.

IMGA – Constitution 2023 – AGM 16 November 2023
IMGA – Constitution 2023 (with Mark up) – AGM 16 November 2023

Constitution – AGM 15 November 2021
Constitution (with mark up) – AGM 15 November 2021

Next: Taipei 2025
