Rory Axel and his twin brother Terry Axel, have shared a lifelong love for sport, beginning their athletic journey in high school track and cross country before discovering disc golf in college.

After a near-fatal car accident two years ago, the brothers defied incredible odds to make their comeback at the IMGA Pan-American Games in Cleveland, where they competed in Disc Golf and earned gold and silver medals.

We caught up with Rory to discuss his remarkable recovery, his experiences at the Games, and his advice for those considering Masters sports.

Can you give us a little introduction about yourself and your favourite sport?

My name is Rory and my life started 3 minutes after my twin brother Terry.  We ran track and cross country in high school and college. We started playing disc golf in 1978 at college just for fun . But started getting serious about it 6 years ago.

You competed in Disc Golf at the recent IMGA Pan-American Games in Cleveland after a terrible car accident – how did you manage that!?

Two years ago our lives almost ended just after we had completed at nationals. We both had our hearts stopped on impact but restarted. After multiple surgeries we were able to start playing again after 8 months of physical therapy .

We had planned to play in the Oregon and Washington State meets until we saw that the Pan American Masters Games were in Cleveland. We started training daily for the games.

Did you enjoy the Games in Cleveland?

We enjoyed our time in Cleveland and loved the city and the people. The event was brilliantly ran.

Any career highlights?

My career highlights are running the 2002 Olympic torch and getting gold and silver at the Pan American Masters games.

How important is playing sport to your health and mental wellbeing?

Continuing to play sports as a master has kept me far more active and healthy. Looking forward to the competitions and training for the events have helped me both physically and mentally.

What is your advice to anyone considering pursuing masters sport?

My advice to anyone thinking about pursuing masters sports is to find a sport that you can have fun playing and love doing.

What was your favourite part of attending the Pan-American Games in Cleveland?

My favourite part in attending the Pan American Masters Games was competing with my brother Terry and getting to know athletes from around the world and the (United) States.

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