Focusing on, and respect for nature and the environment clearly unite the nine localities, and the medals are both the symbol of sporting excellence and testimony to our commitment towards sustainability.

They are not mere metallic distinctions, rather they are small treasure chests of emotions, permanent links representing sacrifice, passion and triumph. In an international event like the Winter World Masters Games, Lombardy 2024 where athletes come together in a celebration of ‘Sport for life’ and community, these medals assume an ever more profound significance.

Medals that are not forged from precious metals, but carved with love and devotion from the very wood that embodies the might of Nature. These original pieces of craftsmanship represent the bond between the grandeur of the human condition and respect for the planet that we all share.

Created specifically for the Winter World Masters Games Lombardy 2024, they have been created from solid larch wood originating from the surplus materials from wood processing in the forests that form part of the Alta Valle Camonica Forestry Consortium, which is recognised not only for its renowned natural beauty but also for its acknowledged sustainable forest management.

Certification discharged by the PEFC Italy ( Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes), an independent, non-profit association founded in 1999, which promotes sustainable forest management and the traceability of the supply chains connected, from the forest to the wood product and its derivatives.

The very gesture of receiving a wooden medal acknowledges a real sense of responsibility. Not merely towards ourselves, but to the world around us. And so, when an athlete raises high his wooden medal, it’s as though the entire planet is celebrating along with him. The victory becomes a hymn to sustainability, and our love for nature.

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