In a momentous event held during the Asia Pacific Masters Games in Jeonbuk 2023, attendees gathered to celebrate the collaboration and transfer of the organisation of the Open Masters Series to Abu Dhabi in 2026. The meeting was filled with warm greetings, conversations, and ended with a commemorative photo.
The governor of Jeonbuk welcomed the delegation from Abu Dhabi and IMGA’s President and CEO Sergey Bubka and Jens Holm to his beautiful region and extended his congratulations to the organising committee (OC) for successfully hosting the excellent games. He expressed his hope that the Abu Dhabi delegation would have wonderful days in South Korea, enjoying the rich culture and experiences it has to offer.
Following the governor’s remarks, the IMGA President Sergey Bubka took the stage to congratulate the Jeonbuk organisation for delivering an outstanding sporting event that not only showcased the spirit of sportsmanship but also promoted health and well-being.
Lastly, H.E. Araf Amad Al Awani addressed the room, extending an invitation to Jeonbuk to visit the Games in Abu Dhabi in 2026. Al Awani expressed his anticipation for sharing the wonders of Abu Dhabi with the world and looked forward to the event becoming a memorable celebration of sport, culture, and camaraderie.
The meeting concluded on a joyful note as a commemorative photo was taken and the two parties exchanged gifts as tokens of appreciation.
As the Open Masters Series shifts its base to Abu Dhabi, anticipation builds for the future of this prestigious sporting event. With both Jeonbuk and Abu Dhabi demonstrating their commitment to excellence and providing unforgettable experiences, sports enthusiasts eagerly await the upcoming edition in 2026, where the world will come together to celebrate the passion and dedication of masters athletes on a global stage.
As the Asia Pacific Masters Games continues, stay tuned to our website and social channels for updates on all the action in Jeonbuk.