All Masters Games
The International Masters Games Association (IMGA) organises the World Masters Games, the Open Masters Series (previous European, Asia-Pacific and Pan-American Masters Games) and Winter World Masters Games. These Olympic-style events bring together athletes from around the globe, aged 30 and above, to compete in a wide range of sports and disciplines in their age group.
The World Masters Games is the most prestigious multi-sport event held every four years, offering a unique platform for international athletes and sports enthusiasts to share their skills and passion with thousands of like-minded people. The Open Masters Series are organised in between the World Masters Games in different places around the world to provide an opportunity for all sport lovers to participate in this truly inspiring event.
Additionally, the Winter World Masters Games caters to winter sports enthusiasts in a magical white mountain setting.
These events not only promote active and healthy lifestyles but also foster camaraderie and friendship among participants from diverse backgrounds. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or simply looking to embrace the spirit of competition, the IMGA's world-class events offer an unforgettable experience for masters athletes worldwide.
Future Masters Games
Find the dates for our upcoming events
Almost every year the IMGA hosts an International Masters Games event in a vibrant city destination. Through the regional diversity of our events we aim to bring the Masters Games to all Masters athletes around the world: To compete, to play and to connect!