Makoto Chogahara IMGA Board Member: 1st Term


Ph.D. Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation, University of Alberta, Canada
Majors: Sport Gerontology, Sport Promotion, Masters Sports



Research Associate, National Institute of Fitness and Sport, Kanoya, Japan(1984-1988);
Lecturer, University of Alberta, Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation, Canada(1998-
1999); Associate Professor, Faculty of Human Development, Kobe University, Japan(1999-2006);
Director, Masters Sport Promotion Unit, Faculty of Global Human Science, Kobe University,
Japan(2004-); Professor, Graduate School of Human Development and Environment, Kobe
University, Japan(2006-); Director, Active Aging Research Hub, Graduate School of Human
Development and Environment, Kobe University, Japan.(2022-)

Sport Career

Finalist, World Masters Games 1998 Oregon Games: 400m dash (30+) (1998);
Bronze Medal, World Masters Games 2017 Auckland Games: Baseball (35+)(2017)

Sport and Academic Administration

Advisor, World Masters Games Shiga Bidding Committee(2003-2004); Chief executive, Masters
Koshien Tournament Office, Kobe University(2004-); Chairman, Japanese Federation of High
School Baseball OB Clubs(2004-); Chairman, Masters Baseball Koshien Organising
Committee(2004-); Committee member, Japan Athletics Masters Association (2005-2007);
Executive board, International Association for Sport Information(2006-2009); Chief executive,
Gerontology Sport Research Institute, Japan(2007-); Advisor, Steering Committee for 2021
World Masters Games in Kansai(2012-2013); Committee member, Sports Commission Kansai,
Japan(2013-2019); Counsellor, World Masters Games Kansai Advisory Committee(2014-);
Executive board, Japanese Baseball Professional OB Foundation(2015-2017); Chairman, World
Masters Games Kansai Legacy Creation Committee(2016-2020); Executive board, Hyogo Sports
Association, Japan(2016-); Committee member: Japan Sports Agency, Sports International
Strategy Commission(2018-2019); Advisor, Sports Promotion Unit, Union of Kansai
Governments, Japan(2018-); Board member, Association for International Sport for All –
Japan(2019-); Board member, Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport
Sciences(2020-); Chairman, Hyogo Sports Promotion Committee, Japan(2023-); Vice president,
Hyogo Society of Sports Sciences, Japan(2023-); Vice president, Japan Society of Lifelong
Sports(2023-); Editor-in-chief, International Journal of Sport and Health Science(2023-)

Awards and Distinctions

Japan Sport Association, the 23rd Prince Chichibu Memorial Sport Science Award, Lifelong
Sports Promotion by Masters Koshien Project(2021); Commendation for Science and
Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology,
Disaster Prevention Programs Utilising Sports(2023)
