Ashley Addy, a dedicated tennis player from the UK, has turned a lifelong passion into an international journey on the ITF Masters Tennis Tour. From childhood summers spent rallying with friends to competing at Wimbledon and soon the 2025 World Masters Games in Taipei, Ashley has found sport to be a source of focus, resilience, and joy.

We caught up with Ashley to discuss his journey, the rewards of playing tennis at the Masters level, and his excitement for the upcoming World Masters Games in Taipei.

Can you give us a little introduction about yourself and your favourite sport?

My name is Ashley Addy, From Halifax, UK. I play tennis on the ITF Masters Tennis Tour and will be competing in the World Masters Games 2025 in Taipei and New Taipei City.

What attracted you to tennis as a kid, and when did you realise you had a passion for it?

I’ve loved tennis from a very early age. Like many kids, whenever Wimbledon was on TV, I would ask for a racquet and spend all summer playing outside the house with my friend from across the road, cycling to our first tennis lessons together on Saturdays.

What has been the key to sustaining your love of sport over the years?

I started playing football at a young age and was lucky enough to reach a semi-professional level for a few years. During that time, tennis took a back seat. But after I retired from football, I missed the competition and the release that sports give you.

Tennis was the obvious choice to pursue, and after chatting with a colleague in Germany who played on the ITF Masters Tennis Tour, I was hooked and couldn’t wait to start. Tennis has really given me a new lease on life.

How has tennis helped improve your life?

Sport has given me so much since I first started playing. It’s taught me life skills like hard work, teamwork, and challenging your limits.

Joining the ITF Masters Tour has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.

I’ve had the chance to play tennis in places I never dreamed of and to meet some incredible people—whether they’re doubles partners or opponents across the net.

The standard on the ITF Masters Tour is so high; there are amazing players well above my level, but competing against them teaches me so much about myself and drives me to improve and be the best I can be.

What are some of your career highlights or favourite moments?

Playing in the British Championships at Wimbledon twice was a dream come true. My mum and sisters’ first trips to Wimbledon were to watch me! I never would have imagined that 10 years ago!

How important is playing sports for your health and mental wellbeing?

I owe so much to sport over the years. Beyond the obvious health benefits, it’s been a vital outlet—a space where I can truly express myself.

It’s helped me navigate some tough times with my mental health, and without it, my journey would have been much harder.

Sport has given me focus, purpose, and something to look forward to, and I’ll always be grateful for what it’s brought into my life.

What advice would you give to someone considering pursuing masters sport?

Do it! As simple as that! It gives you longevity against others your age and getting to participate worldwide while meeting new friends is just an added bonus.

You are planning on competing in Taipei at the 2025 World Masters Games, what are you most looking forward to?

I’ll be competing in the 40+ singles and doubles, and I can’t wait to meet athletes from around the world, take part in such a prestigious event, and explore a new part of the world!

One of the mottos for WMG2025 is “sport without limits,” and being able to train, prepare, and challenge myself against these players while having fun is exactly what it’s all about. The Masters Games remind us never to doubt ourselves and to always believe in what we can achieve.

Sign up for the World Masters Games in Taipei & New Taipei City here.

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