This year at the Pan American Games Alex McLin, board member of the IMGA and CEO of the Gymnastics Ethics Foundation, participated at the tennis competition in singles and doubles, together with family member Bill Ware at the Pan American Masters Games.

For three exhilarating days, Alex McLin engaged in fun competition against other international tennis players, filled with excitement and enjoyment.

When asked about his experience at the event Alex McLin said: “It was a real pleasure to finally be able to take part as a competitor and feel the spirit of masters’ friendly competition. I had to pleasure of meeting wonderful people who share my passion for tennis, whether they are local to Cleveland or traveled from as far away as South Asia. It was also wonderful to see “repeat offenders” who had participated at the Asia-Pacific Masters Games in Jeonbuk, Korea last year.”

The event was a testament to the unifying power of sports. The unwavering support from President Bubka and the other board members Makoto Chogahara and Kate Caithness was evident in their enthusiastic cheers from the sidelines. The collective spirit of the IMGA was palpable, showcasing their commitment to promoting sportsmanship and unity throughout the event.


As the tournament drew to a close, Alex McLin and Bill Ware celebrated the achievement of the second place in their age category, securing a silver medal. This accomplishment not only highlighted their teamwork but also underscores the joyous experience of competing as a family in an international tournament: “Sport has a big place in my family. It is how we play and connect with one another, as well as with the natural world around us. I could not imagine a life without it. It only gets more important with age, as a source of balance for maintaining both physical and mental well-being.”

So what does Alex want to try next ? : “The list of sports I would like to try is long, and more than I have time for currently! I would like to compete in winter sports events next, perhaps curling and/or biathlon in addition to my relative comfort zone of downhill skiing.”

We can’t wait for him to enjoy the competition again at the next IMGA Masters Games.

Events Sport Community Health and Wellbeing IMGA News Travel News Cleveland 2024